Learn Piano: Learn Your Style

Everyone is different in the ways we view the world,
choose our clothing, and learn piano.

Everyone is different in the ways we view the world, choose our clothing, and learn piano. Whether you’re a city person, driven and focused, or more used to country living, with a relaxed outlook on life, you will have similarities and differences between each other when it comes to finding the fastest way to learn piano. Some people learn through structured online piano lessons, and some learn through more hands-on lessons, and this article is going to show you how Piano in 21 Days can help you learn piano, no matter who you are, or how you learn.

If you have ever heard a song on the radio and thought “I want to learn that.” then you may be an auditory learner. If you’ve watched someone’s fingers run up and down the piano and you’ve said to yourself “that looks easy, I could do that!” then you might be a visual learner, but what do we mean when we say that? Well, there are various ways to learn piano, and once you know how easy it is, you’re going to want to start learning too.

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The Ways to Learn

There are many ways to learn piano, from auditory, to tactile, visual, and theoretical. Each method suits different kinds of learners, and each way can be said to be the fastest way to learn piano. However, the best part about any of these methods is that they are all found in online piano lessons. As long as you have a working internet connection and a device that can play videos, then you will be able to start learning how to play piano. But what ways can you learn, surely there’s only one way to learn something?

Do you learn best when you hear what you have to do, or do you prefer to learn with a hands-on approach? Do you learn by watching someone do it first, or by reading up on the subject and using the theory behind it to get your desired results? Any of these methods can be your fastest way to learn the piano, but only once you know how they can help. The four methods below can assist you in your online piano lessons, so read below and see which one makes sense to you.


The first method is auditory. This is where the budding pianist learns through listening first and plays along that way. How is this a useful method? Well, some people lack the coordination to play along with a video, however they might have an excellent ear when it comes to hearing, picking up, and copying a melody. This method is especially useful for quieter students, who would prefer to listen, rather than be seen and heard (not that this is a problem with online piano lessons mind you).

How would the lessons for an auditory piano learner go then? Well, the first step would be for the student to listen to the melody that they’re going to be required to play. The next step would be to sing the notes out or play them on the piano. Additionally, some students find it useful to clap out the rhythm of the song before starting, as timing is a crucial part of a song, especially if the student is learning through hearing.

Once the student has learned the melody of the song, then they can start playing the accompanying chords, as the online piano lessons will outline the chords, how they sound, and how to play them. Within no time, the student will be able to play any song they hear. This method is useful for students who also want to teach themselves to be able to pick up a song by ear and play along with ease.


The second method of learning to play the piano is the visual method. This is where the student learns to play piano by watching videos of online piano lessons. Learning to play by watching is a useful skill to have, as it helps the pianist pick up songs, styles, and patterns through watching other musicians, rather than by solely listening to a song. When we say visual, we don’t mean sight reading though (although related, it’s a separate method of learning piano, which we cover in the next section of this article). Visual learning is done solely by watching and copying another pianist in an online piano lesson, rather than by reading notes on a screen.

This method starts with the student watching the piece played in a video. When learning piano though, watching isn’t always enough. Sometimes flashcards with the note names are needed, or charts that show the chord patterns can help too. Learning piano this way is useful as well, though in a different way to the auditory method, as it teaches the student to watch, visualize the notes, and only then play. Other students find that this is the fastest way to learn piano, especially if they’re alert, and can remember what they see, and replicate it.

Learning through watching is often used in children’s piano lessons, as they have difficulty reading notes and words on paper but can copy the notes played with ease.

Piano Theory

The third method is related to the visual method, but not entirely. Learning to play piano through piano theory is probably the most advanced method but can be the most rewarding in the long run. When learning piano this way, a student must possess the ability to read piano sheet music, as well as chord charts and patterns.

The way this method would proceed, would be for the student to watch a few online piano lessons on piano theory, as well as learning the names and placements for each note on the piano. Then by starting on basic piano sheet music, they can start advancing through the songs until they’re playing advanced concertos and solo piano pieces.

Alternatively, if the student would prefer to learn piano chords instead, that’s fine too. Learning piano chords through piano theory is one of the fastest ways to learn piano for those who want to learn to improvise songs and play with others. Knowing which chords can go before or after other chords is always useful, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. The only thing about this method is that it often requires a lot of brain power, or a lot of practice before the student becomes proficient in the art of playing the piano. Once skilled though, the budding pianist will become a musician with which to be reckoned.


The fourth method for learning is the kinesthetic, or tactile method. This is for students who find the fastest way to learn piano is just to jump right in and press the keys. Students who learn through this method tend to learn through muscle memory, which combines sight reading, listening to the melody, and watching others play beforehand.

Learning this way, the student would start by playing along straight away, beginning with the notes, while listening to the tune. When learning piano this way, eagerness is required, as well as fearlessness. Although it usually comes later in a pianists’ lesson, some piano students find this to be the best method to teach them piano, as it covers all the bases at once, rather than getting them to focus on single elements and methods of learning. It’s this method that students feel like they’re getting a more balanced piano education in their online piano lessons.

Something interesting to note though is that this method is used by a lot of visually impaired students, who can’t see the notes on the piano, but can feel them with ease. A famous blind pianist is Ray Charles, who used to play the piano so fluidly, onlookers would question whether he was, in fact, blind, but sadly and amazingly he was, which just goes to show you how effective this method is when it comes to wanting to learn piano.

Which method?

So, after reading the four methods of learning, which method are you? Are you a visual learner, or an auditory one? Do you prefer the theoretical approach or the hands-on method? Remember, with online piano lessons, anyone can learn anywhere, and with the only limitations being the ones you place upon yourself. Try out each method and see which one suits you. If you already know how you learn, then you’ll be able to find the fastest way to learn piano. But where can you learn piano?

Piano in 21 Days offers a large variety of piano lessons, from visual, to auditory and theoretical. It’s up to you to find which style of learning favors you, and once you know how you learn, then that’s half the battle won! So what are you waiting for? It’s time to jump into the world of online piano lessons, choose one that you feel will suit you, and get started! To learn piano, all you need is a piano, an internet connection, and the desire to learn.